#2 Behavioral and Social Learning Theories
Description Behavioral theories of learning have been developed by Ivan Pavlov and B. F. Skinner. Pavlov studied the idea of classical conditioning in reference to our reflexes and Skinner studied the consequences that come from particular behaviors and how we can shape those behaviors (Slavin, 2018). Social learning theories expanded on behavioral learning theories by studying how we learn and the effects of self-regulation on our learning (Slavin, 2018). Analysis Learning can be described as a change an individual goes through or new schema “caused by the environment” (Slavin, 2018, p. 98). It can be formal or informal, an example of formal learning is the learning that happens in school. Informal learning can happen through life experiences, an example could be learning not touching a pan on the stove because one has previously gotten burned by touching a hot pan on the stove. Slavin (2018) explained that children ...